Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Zazzle shirt from shopaholic chick: Skateboarding T Rex

Zazzle shirt from shopaholic chick: Skateboarding T Rex

T rex on a skateboard is riding into your hearts on this shirt!

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Zazzle shirt from shopaholic chick: Great Minds Think Like Me Hoodie

Zazzle shirt from shopaholic chick: Great Minds Think Like Me Hoodie

Great Minds Think Like ME!!!!

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Zazzle profilecard from Occupation Station: Hairdresser Boy

Zazzle profilecard from Occupation Station: Hairdresser Boy

If you are a barber this great little hair cutter boy is great for your business cards!!! all lines can be customized adjusted or deleted!

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Posted via email from shopaholicchick's posterous

Zazzle shirt from shopaholicchick: ZoeSPEAK - The Speedometer

Zazzle shirt from shopaholicchick: ZoeSPEAK - The Speedometer

watch your speed!

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Zazzle kedsshoe from shopaholicchick: Big Fish Little Fish

Zazzle kedsshoe from shopaholicchick: Big Fish Little Fish

these shoes are looking a little fishy....let's hope they don't smell that way too!!

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Zazzle invitation from shopaholicchick: Boy's Pirate themed Birthday P...

Zazzle invitation from shopaholicchick: Boy's Pirate themed Birthday P...

come to my pirate party with these great invites!

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Zazzle shirt from this tiger is not looking very happy!: Cute and fun ...

Zazzle shirt from this tiger is not looking very happy!: Cute and fun ...

Check out this cool shirt I found at Zazzle.com.

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Zazzle stamp from shopaholic chick: Sandbox

Zazzle stamp from shopaholic chick: Sandbox

this little guy looks like he is doing some farming!

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NOTE: Before this design can be printed as offical US Postage it will be subject to a rigorous approval process, as required by the United States Postal Service, and may not be approved as it appears above. Click here for Zazzle.com's Appropriate Use Guidelines.

Zazzle shirt from shopaholicchick.com: Big Brother Monster T-shirt

Zazzle shirt from shopaholicchick.com: Big Brother Monster T-shirt

guess who's going to be a big brother?!?!?!?! cute little monster shirt is awesome!!!!

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Zazzle invitation from shopaholic chick: Train Set

Zazzle invitation from shopaholic chick: Train Set

little boy with his new train!

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Zazzle mug from shopaholic chick: Pirate with Parrot

Zazzle mug from shopaholic chick: Pirate with Parrot

cute little boy with parrot vintage image

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Zazzle mousepad from shopaholicchick: Renoir's Jean Drawing

Zazzle mousepad from shopaholicchick: Renoir's Jean Drawing

Little boy doing homework in renoir's masterpiece.

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Zazzle mousepad from shopaholic chick: Skateboarding Mousepad

Zazzle mousepad from shopaholic chick: Skateboarding Mousepad

hand drawn skateboarder on a mouse pad really cute!

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Zazzle shirt from Parrot: bird purple

Zazzle shirt from shopaholic chick: Blue Red Plaid Geek 4ever

Zazzle shirt from shopaholic chick: Blue Red Plaid Geek 4ever

Geek 4*ever - show everyone you are a geek forever with this great design!

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Posted via email from shopaholicchick's posterous

Zazzle shirt from Shopaholic Chick: Slam Dunk

Zazzle print from shopaholic chick: Stormy Sandcastle Print

Zazzle print from shopaholic chick: Stormy Sandcastle Print

This little sandcastle on the beach is really cute.

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