Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Zazzle shirt from Shopaholic Chick: Guitar

Zazzle shirt from Shopaholic Chick: Guitar

Show everyone you are learning guitar with this cute sweatshirt!

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Zazzle mug from Shopaholic Chick: Angry Snarling Smiley Face

Zazzle mug from Shopaholic Chick: Angry Snarling Smiley Face

Don't we all feel this way before our morning coffee?

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Zazzle print from Shopaholic Chick: Newfoundland Sunset Poster

Zazzle print from Shopaholic Chick: Newfoundland Sunset Poster

This Sunset is beautiful! what a serene image it is so calm and peaceful - makes me wish i was there!!!

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Zazzle kedsshoe from Shopaholic Chick: crowded monsters hi tops

Zazzle kedsshoe from Shopaholic Chick: crowded monsters hi tops

These great shoes from Dooni won the design contest!! aren't they great!! Congrats Dooni!!!

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Zazzle card from Left Handed Cards: 'cuz lefties never do it right

Zazzle card from Left Handed Cards: 'cuz lefties never do it right

The card is upside down so it opens on the left for lefties!!

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Zazzle print from Shopaholicchick: Swammee Swan

Zazzle print from Shopaholicchick: Swammee Swan

Check out this cool print I found at this pastel colorful swan dream is just wonderful.

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Zazzle stationery from Shopaholic Chick: Giant Drops

Zazzle stationery from Shopaholic Chick: Giant Drops

Cute little raindrop stationary for all your rainy day writing.

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Zazzle bag from Peace People: Red give peace a chance

Zazzle bag from Peace People: Red give peace a chance

Give Peace a Chance with this little guy. he is bright red with a heart shaped red & pink peace sign and the words give peace a chance.

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Zazzle print from Peace People: Peace People

Zazzle print from Peace People: Peace People

Peace people are a unique creation, each holds a little sign promoting equality peace and harmony with other people and the planet.

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Zazzle card from Rush to the Altar: just married

Zazzle card from Rush to the Altar: just married

Rush to the altar with these cute cards - also perfect to announce you eloped!

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Zazzle postcard from Hippie Chick: Sher

Zazzle postcard from Hippie Chick: Sher

this hippie chick and her guitar are perfect to use to advertise your summer music festival - you can custom print the details on the back!

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Zazzle card from Shopaholicchick: Princess Skull

Zazzle card from Shopaholicchick: Princess Skull

Cute little pink skull & crossbones with silver princess crown and the word princess - perfect card for a princess in your life.

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Zazzle stationery from Shopaholic Chick: Pink Bowling Shoes

Zazzle stationery from Shopaholic Chick: Pink Bowling Shoes

This great stationary is perfect for someone who wants to invite friends to a bowling party.

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Zazzle bag from B is for Birds: Fernando Flamingo

Zazzle bag from B is for Birds: Fernando Flamingo

Fernando Flamingo is an adorable little bird, check him out on this great tote bag perfect for the beach or groceries!

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Zazzle bag from Thats My Baby: dresser yellow purple

Zazzle bag from Thats My Baby: dresser yellow purple

This great tote bag is perfect for an extra set of clothes, diapers & toys for when the little one heads out of the house! it is a whole dresser in a bag!

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Zazzle stamp from Thats My Baby: Boy Hugging Dog

Zazzle stamp from Thats My Baby: Boy Hugging Dog

cute little boy stamp is perfect for mailing birthday or shower invites.

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NOTE: Before this design can be printed as offical US Postage it will be subject to a rigorous approval process, as required by the United States Postal Service, and may not be approved as it appears above. Click here for's Appropriate Use Guidelines.

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Zazzle print from Shopaholic Chick: toilets cleaned themselves

Zazzle print from Shopaholic Chick: toilets cleaned themselves

This great sign is perfect for your favorite janitorial staff - or that messy man in your household!! remind them cleaning is not an easy job!

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