Monday, July 12, 2010

Zazzle shirt from Shopaholic Chick: Grey Tennis Man Logo

Zazzle shirt from Shopaholic Chick: Grey Tennis Man

It's Tennis Time!!!!

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This post appears in multiple blogs - because I wanted to share it with everyone - Shopaholic Chick

Zazzle kedsshoe from Kiki Kitty: Kitty Kat Couple Logo

Zazzle kedsshoe from Kiki Kitty: Kitty Kat Couple

these hard core shoes feature kiki kitty and kiki kat all punked out with piercings. awesome for the punk or emo cat lover in your life!

Visit KiKiKitty's store
Join KiKiKitty's fan club

This post appears in multiple blogs - because I wanted to share it with everyone - Shopaholic Chick
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