Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Zazzle bumpersticker from shopaholicchick: Unconditional Love

Zazzle bumpersticker from shopaholicchick: Unconditional Love

rescue a dog - hep the ASPCA

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Zazzle stamp from shopaholic: Peek-a-Boo Cow Postage

Zazzle stamp from shopaholic: Peek-a-Boo Cow Postage

Shy little cow stamp

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NOTE: Before this design can be printed as offical US Postage it will be subject to a rigorous approval process, as required by the United States Postal Service, and may not be approved as it appears above. Click here for Zazzle.com's Appropriate Use Guidelines.

Zazzle shirt from shopaholicchick: Orange Penguin (F&B)

Zazzle shirt from shopaholicchick: Orange Penguin (F&B)

an orange penguin

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Zazzle card from shopaholic chick: Composed Violins

Zazzle card from shopaholic chick: Composed Violins

this violin will leave you seeing triplicate!

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