Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Zazzle shirt from shopaholic chick: flash me flash drive design

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Zazzle shirt from shopaholic chick: flash me flash drive design

geeky flash me design

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The print on this is simply created with squares colored with fun , bright shades of green , blue , purple ,orange ,red , teal and yellow . A perfect choice for the first day of school because of it's bright attention grabbing sound wave print . This t-shirt has exactly the wow factor and energy to make you noticed by your friends and make your first day of school just perfect .

These pro keds shoes are the ultimate first day of school accessory because of their fun , loud colored print consisting of a bright geometric illustration . You are guaranteed to be the most attention grabbing ,cool person on campus in your one of a kind original and uniquely colored keds . The print inspires energy and will provide you with that well deserved and needed boost in a first day of school .
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