Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Zazzle print from shopaholicchick: Flower Lady Poster Logo

Zazzle print from shopaholicchick: Flower Lady Poster

this is a great print of a womans face with flowers & butterflies

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Bebop's Place

This shirt takes you on a walk down a long aisle of books in the school library. The bright lighting reveals book spines in a kaleidoscope of colors. The symmetrical angle creates a geometric design that seems to lead to infinity. We all have good intentions on the first day of school and plan to spend time working and studying. It doesn't always work out that way, but maybe this shirt will inspire you to stick to it!

Sometimes nothing works out the way we think it will! Perhaps this binder will be the gentle, silly reminder to keep up with your school work and stay organized. It tells us to "plan ahead". The black circle, with outer rings of yellow and red against a black background, will wake you up from your daydreams.
Princess Charming binder
Princess Charming by Bebops
Look at another binder at

This binder features a small female green frog with a yellow belly sitting among the grasses at the pond. She seems lonely as if she is waiting for her Prince Charming to appear. Take this little friend with you to school. Maybe she will meet her prince there.

Zazzle apron from edibility: kielbasa Logo

Zazzle apron from edibility: kielbasa

If you love kielbasa then this is for you? are you a butcher? this is perfect for your shop!

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This post appears in multiple blogs - because I wanted to share it with everyone - Shopaholic Chick

Zazzle tie from shopaholic chick: Trumpet Logo

Zazzle tie from shopaholic chick: Trumpet

this great trumpet tie is perfect to show your band director how much you appreciate him or her!

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This post appears in multiple blogs - because I wanted to share it with everyone - Shopaholic Chick
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